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The exile of the Alfaro brothers

The Alfaros are three brothers who migrated from El Salvador to the United States, fleeing death threats. The story of their journey through Mexico is similar to many young Central Americans who are now migrating to save their lives, not just for employment.

Text by Óscar Martínez.

by - Toni Arnau

"I flee because I'm scared they're going to kill me," Auner said.

They joined the pilgrimage of the vomited Central Americans. Those that escaped got into this flow. Some of them are poor, others don't have the possibility to succeed. Many are dead.


"We are going to the north, son, you will see how, yes, there are jobs, good work, good money."

"Here we go. We no longer have each other, we are going to get on the train."

They are fleeing a death without a face. Leaving behind their world, leaving only a hole filled with fear. Here, now, the only option is to flee. Hide and flee.

The road is a narrow pavement that winds, falls and curves like intestines. It borders an endless abyss, short hills of limestone. 

The glass fell on the front and back of the right side of the car. They left four 9-mm cannons. He began and ended the massacre.


The mom, 44 years old, died of a shot in her forehead or in her left temple. Who knows which entered first? There were two men. One rode a bicycle, the other stood on the bolts of the wheels.

"¡Puta madre!" She exclaimed– the eight raped her. 


—Would you return? –I asked.

—No never–he follows with his eyes fixed on the ground.
—You give up your country?
—You would never return ever?
—No... Well.... Only if they touch my wife or my daughter.
—And then, what would you do?
—Kill them
—I don't know.