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Beyond The Paradise

Tourism can create a wide range of opportunities for the population in host countries, but it can also be a source of conflict and abuse. This project is an interactive newsgame that shows the effects of mass tourism in the tropical paradises of Thailand, the Dominican Republic and Zanzibar.

These are the photographs and 360 videos that were part of this project by Angelo Attanasio.

To see and play with the full newsgame "Beyond the Paradise," click here.

by - Pau Coll - Toni Arnau - Edu Ponces

In Thailand, tourism has grown exponentially in the last 40 years, reaching over 30 million visitors and 15€ billion of revenues per year.



The prostitution industry in Thailand, with Pattaya as the symbolic city, generated an income of 6€ billion in 2015, which represents 10% of the country's GDP. 

Most of the holiday resorts in Zanzibar located near the sea have caused enviromental damage and conflict with the local communities that cannot access the land on the coast.